Symposium 'Suicide prevention in the elderly. Practice oriented advises for caretakers'
On thursday the 21st of March 2019 VLESP presented a guideline on suicide prevention in the elderly. This guideline is an addition to the guideline on detection and treatment of suicidal behavour and focuses on the detection and treatment of suicidal behaviour in the elderly. You can find the presentations of this symposium below (in Dutch).
Symposium 'Continuity of care for suicidal persons"
As part of the Flemish Suicide Prevention Action Plan the Flemish Centre of Expertise in Suicide Prevention created a guideline on the continuity of care for suicidal patients. Its aim is to ammeliorate the collaboration between different health institutions and health care professionals to strengthen the care for suicidal persons. The guideline was presented on a symposium on the 5th of October 2018.
Download here the presentations that were held at the symposium (in Dutch):
flyer symposium (in Dutch)
17th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
From the 5th to 8th of September 2018. VLESP organised the 17th European Symposium in Suicide and Suicide Behaviour (ESSSB 17) in Ghent, Belgium.
ESSSB17 aims at providing a high-quality, multidisciplinary scientific programme covering the most important aspects of suicidal behaviour and its prevention, and a dynamic platform for lively interactions and discussions. The focus of the scientific programme will be on state-of-the-art presentations as well as new insights from basic science and clinical research. Effects of therapeutic interventions and suicide prevention activities at various levels will be addressed particularly. There will be ample opportunities for young researchers to get involved and share their findings in an interactive scientific environment.
Click here to view the full programme.
Flyer ESSSB17
Seminar Prospect-study
On the 31th of May 2018, VLESP launched the results of a study investigating the effect of two new group treatments for people with suicidal thoughts: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Future Oriented Group Therapy. In this seminar, the researchers presented the results of the study and the trainers shared their experiences. For more information about this study, contact the researchers.
Dealing with suicide risk. Launch of the Flemish guideline for health professionals
On March 30, 2017 VLESP launched a multidisciplinary guideline for the detection and treatment of suicidal behaviour. This guideline offers information and tools for health professionals in Flanders who are dealing with suicidal persons.
These are the presentations given during the conference (in Dutch).:
For more information on the guideline, see: or contact VLESP (
Looking for immediate help?
Call 1813 for the suicide helpline, or visit Zelfmoord 1813 to chat or e-mail (only in Dutch).